I can’t wait to share with you these Free Printable Pantry Labels that are made even prettier by applying foil with the Heidi Swapp Minc Foil Applicator!
It is back-to-school time where I live and even though I don’t have any more children at home, back to school still means back to a schedule, a routine and back to some semblance of order for me!
And order for me means organizing my pantry. I have been married for 35 years and I have never had a pantry. Until now. One day recently I came home and a wall was knocked out and there was framing for a pantry. Yeah, I have the best hubby ever. Was I ever excited!
I immediately knew the first thing that I wanted to do. I’ve seen quite a few of these Pantry Labels floating around on Pinterest and I love them! I ran to IKEA to get these glass jars and then on to my computer to create my own labels because I wanted the words to be a little larger than what I saw on Pinterest. If you download these Pantry Labels and want them smaller, just reduce the size when you copy them.
Do you know what else is popular right now? GOLD. Did I really apply gold foil to my pantry labels to make them even prettier? Why yes. Yes I did.
AND I LOVE THEM! It is so hard to capture the foil brilliance of these labels with a camera but these turned out gorgeous. But with all the pretty colors that Heidi Swapp has in her foils, you wouldn’t necessarily have to do gold. Look at all of the options you have:
Can you imagine these beautiful colors in your pantry?
For my detailed tutorial on how to use the Minc Foil Applicator, click HERE. In order for these labels to work with the foil, they must be printed on a laser printer and not an inkjet or bubblejet printer. So I took my labels to FedEx/Kinko’s and copied my labels onto this clear sticker paper by Silhouette which I purchased from Amazon. I then applied the foil (instructions here), cut them out and they were ready to go. Easy Peasy! Applying the sticker to the glass jars is super simple and in no time, I had these beautiful jars. In Gold.
{breathing a happy sigh..}
Here are the four pages that I made that are FREE to download. Print them off and then RUN to your local craft store to pick up a Minc Applicator so that you can foil your labels too! I know you want to.
Click to download my Pantry Labels Pages 1-4
Thanks so much for stopping by today for a little gold and foil inspiration!
This awesome post has been shared with Whipperberry and Tatertots and Jello
These turned out great! Thank you for sharing! I will be using these labels 🙂 https://www.lovesthefind.com/
Oh I am so glad that you liked them! I love them on my kitchen counter! Deb
I can’t tell you how much I love these! They are the most adorable labels I have seen. They look so cute on my variety of jars I use to store food. I just learned about the tape transfer method of making labels, and was so excited that I could make these using things I had at home for FREE! Is there any chance you could make some more labels for things like beans (black, pinto, mixed), coconut, tapioca, barley, coffee, tea, cocoa powder, chocolate chips, sweetener? Or maybe a tutorial on how to make them yourself? Blessings to you! My kitchen looks so much prettier now. 🙂
Hi Jennifer! I am so happy that you like them! I’ve often thought of making some more and will let you know. However, I pretty much saw them somewhere else and wanted to make my own so just fiddled around and typed them up. I’m sure you could do it!
Hi Debbie. this looks gorgeous! Could I check what setting did you use for the minc machine! i just received it as my birthday present and I cant wait to make these!!!
If I remember right, I set them on three!
Hi Debbie. I really love these. I would love to do on for my potato flakes, I’m always losing the amounts needed from the box top. But I just have no idea of how to even begin doing this. Help?
I just followed a sample and created them in Google Docs and then printed them out. Then you could use any title you want!
Hi there! These are wonderful and I can’t wait to try it…but is it waterproof? If I decide to wash the jar after will it come off? Or if I decide to change the jars purpose is it removable?