How many times have you been cooking and need to know how many pints are in a gallon? Or how many cups to a pint? Off the top of your head can you remember how many cups are in a gallon? I can always remember 4 quarts to a gallon and 2 cups to a pint, but after that I start to confuse myself and have to go look it up. Not sure if it’s age or the fact that I’ve had five children, or maybe it is a combination of the two. But my memory just isn’t what it used to be!
On one of my many visits to Pinterest, I noticed a black and white printable that helps you to remember these measurements. I loved the idea and thought “this would be great in color”. I hopped on my computer and got to work. Once I created the printable in color, I realized I could make it even easier to read by labeling each letter with the corresponding measurement. With my feeble brain I need things to be simple as possible.
I’ve placed a copy of this printable in my kitchen cabinet, in my cookbook and one on my fridge. Which means no more liquid measurement confusion for me!
This Pin Rocks!
Link Parties
High Heels & Grills, Pint Sized Baker, The Recipe Critic, Buns in my Oven, Daisy Cottage Designs, The Hopeless Housewife, Kitchen Meets Girl, The Real Housewives of Riverton, Seven Thirty Three, Southern Lovely, Adorned From Above, Someday Crafts
Fantastic printable! A must have for the kitchen. Thx Tracy!
Thanks Jeni! Check out Sheena’s comment, she shares a story that goes with the printable to help you remember!
This is the “story” that we use in elementary school with the same graphic to help students remember…”In the Land of Gallon, there were four giant Queens. Each Queen had a Princess and a Prince. Each Princess and Prince had two children who were twins. The twins were 8 years old.””
In the Land of Gallon, (Draw the giant “G”) G = gallon
there were four giant Queens. (We say giant Queens so the kids will draw the “Q’s” large enough) Q = quarts
Each Queen had a Princess and a Prince. (Inside each Q draw two “P’s”) P = pints
Each Princess and Prince had two Children, twins. (Inside each P make two “C’s”) C = cups
The twins were 8 years old. (Inside each C write the number “8”) 8 = 8 ozs. in one cup”
Thanks so much for sharing your story. This is a great way to help all of us remember the measurements.
Have a great weekend!
Tracy – The Middle Child
i would love one for teaspoons, tablespoons, cups, etc. this is lovely!
Glad you enjoyed the printable. I accept the challenge for a teaspoons, tablespoons, cups, etc. printable! Our first grandchild (baby girl) is due in 5 days. I am so excited I can hardly stand it. When I get home from helping my daughter out after the baby is born I’ll get started on the new printable! Thanks for stopping by! Tracy – The Middle Child
Thanks for sharing at Wednesday’s Adorned From Above Blog Hop. Join us at 8:00PM tonight for this weeks party.
Debi and Charly