This is turning out to be a crazy, on the go, fun summer for our family! So far we have spent a week in Provo, Utah visiting family while my 16 year old daughter went to a inspirational youth conference at BYU. We drove home and had 2 days to get ready for 5 days at Newport Beach with 2 other families. The teenagers loved the surfing; the younger crew loved the boogie boards and body surfing. And my one year old granddaughter squealed with delight when the waves got her wet and she giggled with joy when she was shown sand crabs. Her favorite thing was to watch the sand crabs as they “disappeared in the sand”.
On July 9th, my 19 year old daughter is going to Mexico, Mexico City as a missionary for our church. She will serve the wonderful people of Mexico for 18 months. Before leaving for Mexico she will spent 6 weeks at a Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo, Utah. At the MTC she will learn about missionary service and attend an intense “bootcamp” course on Spanish to help her learn the language.
We have been blessed with 5 children who have grown up to become best friends to each other. Two years ago we gained our wonderful son-in-law who is a perfect addition to the family, a year later our darling granddaughter was born. Our whole family is going to drive (again!) to Utah to drop my missionary daugher off at the MTC. There will be some serious tears shed by everyone when we send her on her mission!
This will be our 3rd road trip in about a month! This is what summer is all about, vacation and quality time with family and I LOVE IT! With all the vacationing going on I had to get organized early for the 4th of July, I fell in love with these 4th of July Banana Splits from Jamielyn at I Heart Naptime. If you haven’t been to her blog be sure to head on over and check out all her creative ideas! I found that adding 1/4 cup of melted paraffin wax to about 1/2 of melted chocolate really helped the chocolate stick to the banana and kept the chocolate from hardening before I could shake my 4th of July sprinkles on. After adding the paraffin wax dipping the bananas and adding the sprinkles was quick and easy! It’s a good thing these were so easy to make and taste so good, because now I have to go and get the laundry done so I can be ready to pack for our next road trip! Just sayin….’ This Pin Totally Rocks!
4th of July Firecracker Bananas
- Colored chocolate candy melts
- Bananas
- Lemon juice
- 4 th of July Sprinkles
- Cherries with stems
- Sherri's Stabilized whip cream
- Paraffin wax
- Lay a large piece of wax paper on a cookie sheet
- Cut bananas into 1 1/2 to 2 inch sections
- Dip bananas into lemon juice, don't let the bananas sit in the lemon juice, it will make them soft.
- Melt chocolate candy melts and paraffin wax in a bowl.
- Dip bananas into chocolate, shake off excess chocolate
- Shake the sprinkles over the melted chocolate.
- Set on wax paper to cool.
- Add a dollop of stabilized whip cream.
- Place chocolate dipped cherry on top.
- Serve and enjoy!
Click on any of these pictures to see some more great 4th of July ideas!
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What a cute idea! The kids would devour these in seconds without even realizing how adorable they are!