Are you the type of person who loves a really good scary movie? Not me! I have always liked movies that are entertaining and have a happy ending. I’m a total sap! Debbie on the other hand started her love for scary movies when we were kids. But she didn’t want to watch them alone, so she would talk me into watching them with her. After the movie Debbie would go to bed and get a good nights sleep. I would go to bed, hide under the covers and stay awake for hours terrified that the monster from whatever movie we had watched would get me as soon as I came out from under my comforter. Sometimes I lost more than one or two nights of sleep. Yes, I am still a scary movie wimp.
The fact that I have never loved scary movies does not mean that I don’t like Halloween. I LOVE halloween and halloween decorations! I probably have as many decorations for Halloween as I have decorations for Christmas. I wanted to make these cheese cloth ghosts last year and ran out of time. This year ,they are my first halloween craft and I cant’ wait to creep everyone out with them!
Supplies Needed
- Wig heads – I bought mine at Hobby Lobby
- Sponge brush
- Watered-down glue or fabric stiffener (such as Stiffy) I used Modge Podge
- Screw Eyes
- Monofilament
- Removeable adhesive hooks (such as Command brand) or painters’ tape, to hang
- Apply a layer of cheese cloth to the head, generously brush over head and face with glue. Use your hands to smooth the cloth into the facial features. Stop at the chin so the fabric can flow loose below. I found my cheese cloth at Jo Ann ‘s Craft store. It was 6 feet long and folded in fourths. I unfolded it once and cut it in half which gave me two 6 foot strips. I glued the first strip it so the long pieces would drape down from the neck and chin. For the next layer I draped the cheese cloth so the long pieces would drape down from each ear. Alternated the same way with the next two strips of cheese cloth. You will end up using 4 strips each strip 6 or 7 feet long.
- Let dry thoroughly. You do not need to dry in between layers.
- Tatter edges of cloth with scissors if desired. I chose not tatter the edges of my cheese cloth. Attach a screw eye with a bit of glue to the top of the head; thread with your monofilament to hang from the hook.
I placed my first ghost head on a tall candle stick and started applying the glue from the top of the head working down to the nape of the neck to just below the chin. Once I got to the chin and nape of the neck the glue would drip down the cheese cloth where I didn’t want it to go. Washing it out was tricky and time consuming.
For the second ghost head I laid it on it’s side on a piece of wax paper. I applied the glue working from the top of the head to just under the chin and ear. I turned it over and repeated the process. This method alleviated the glue dripping below the neck and chin line. I let it dry for about an hour on the wax paper and then placed the ghost head on a candle stick to finish drying. The was a small amount of glue that dripped on the wax paper. Once I placed the ghost head on the candle stick the glue had cured enough that it didn’t drip anywhere else.
Dry your ghost heads overnight, the next morning insert the screw eye and tatter the edges of the cheese cloth if desired. You are now ready to creep family and friends out with these guys!
My female wig head looks a bit like an alien to me! I suggest going to a wig shop for a female wig head.
Cost to Make
- Ghost Heads – Purchased at Hobby Lobby Male $9.99 Female $4.99 = 24.97 I used a 40% off coupon for each $14.99
- Cheese Cloth – 6 pkgs at 6.49 = $38.94 40% off coupon = $24.34
- Fishing Wire – $2
- Screw Heads – $.99
Total Post = $41.32 Price per ghost head spirit = $13.77
Best part about my ghost spirits? Yes, they are totally creepy, but not as bad as a scary movie. I can have them in the house and still get a good nights sleep, unless my kids make me watch a scary movie with them.
This Pin Rocks!
Want even more Halloween ideas? Check out these great ideas we did last year, Halloween Tulle Wreath, Twinkie Mummies, Glitter Pumpkins, Head in a jar Illusion, Front Door Mummy, Halloween Tomato Cage Trees and Improving a Cheap Plastic Cauldron.
We are linking up with the great blogs: My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia, The Wandering Brain, The Breezy Birdie, Memories by the Mile, Chef in Training, Nap-Time Creations, LadyBug Blessings, Inside BruCrew Life, Mandy’s Recipe Box, Sugar Bee Crafts, Cupcakes and Crinoline, Funky Polkadot Giraffe, Carolyn’s Homework, The Blackberry Vine, Home Stories A to Z, Cornerstone Confessions, Not Just a Housewife
I LOVE your candelabra!!! Where did you get it?
The candelabra is one of my favorite thrift store purchases! I think I paid $4 for it. It worked beautifully for this post! Have a great day, Tracy (the middle sister)