Today’s post is all about Chicken Potato Chowder, graduating from high school, life in college and mom’s home cooking.
In two short months we will be sending our daughter (the 4th out of our 5 children) off to college. Senioritis, trust me it’s a real word and very real condition, and it began before she started her Senior year. We have got the process down, we love them, we teach them, we watch them grow and we enjoy each stage of their life, (some stages are more enjoyable than others).
The same thing happens every time, eventually they turn into very enjoyable young adults, then they leave home for college about a week later!
I have to laugh, when each of our children begin high school we as their parents are perceived as somewhat “clueless and ignorant”. Our advanced age prevents us from being able to relate to their sometimes tortuous high school experiences.
Then they graduate from high school and leave for college, that’s when the transformation for both child and parent begins. As our children gain a college education we somehow become more intelligent/full of wisdom, they become more appreciative with each passing day. I love watching the process as they realize just how great life was when living with Mom and Dad 🙂
On their first visit home from college (actually on any and all visits home!) they rarely want to be taken out to eat, it’s all about mom’s cooking. They each request their favorite meals and recipes. This Chicken Potato Chowder is the kind of cooking they love and gives them cause to once again sing my praises and appreciate my cooking. Head on over to My Kitchen Escapades to grab the recipe!
This amazing article has been shared with Whipperberry!
What Noooo Recipe : (
Hey Bridget,
I’ve updated the post, it now has two links to My Kitchen Escapades and the recipe. You are going to LOVE this chowder! Thanks for following us and enjoy, Tracy
I am at a loss as to where to find this recipe! Yes it says to “Head on over to My Kitchen Escapades to grab the recipe!” – but where pray tell is that???? Most other blogs have a way posted to get their recipes – I am really disappointed. CJ
Hey CJ,
GAH! So sorry I forgot to put a link to the recipe, I’ve updated the post, it now has two links to My Kitchen Escapades and the recipe. Enjoy, Tracy