How often do you clean your hairbrush? We tend to forget this little detail. But it plays a huge role in hair care. Clean your brush in minutes with this method and make sure your hair will get the best treatment.
Do you have a bad hair day? The reason may be your brush is not clean enough. These tips will help you manage and style your hair much easier and more effectively.
What is the grey lint of your hairbrush?
Have you noticed a grey mossy thing on your hairbrush? These are dead skin cells, skin tissue, dirt, hair product, and dust that accumulate on your hairbrush over time. This buildup makes it difficult to brush properly.
In fact, if you don’t clean that bacteria and residues from your brush, it goes back to your scalp and spreads on your hair. This may cause reduced hair volume and make your hair look greasy.
When is the time to clean your hairbrush?
Take a good look at your hairbrush. Does it look clean to you? Actually, if you’re not entirely sure, give it a good wash first. Then begin styling your hair. Repeat once in a while, every time you feel necessary.
Do you have one of these days when your hair doesn’t look good? You don’t know what is wrong, but it doesn’t stay in the right direction. Then you decide to tie it up and leave the house this way.
The reason may be dirty hair tools. If you style your hair with a hairbrush that is not completely clean, it can make your hair look greasy and dirty.
Benefits of cleaning your hairbrush
- keeps your hair clean
- hairbrush lasts longer
- brushes better
- no dirty beauty tools in your cosmetic bag
- you won’t be embarrassed if somebody sees it
What is more, it will get much more difficult to manage and style. Don’t allow dirty beauty tools to ruin your efforts! All these minutes spent styling your hair should be worth it. To make sure that your hair looks fabulous, don’t neglect the details and clean your beauty tools.
Dirty brushes and combs tend to accumulate bacteria. And we don’t need that on our hair, do we? Hair products, grease, dandruff, and other dirty residues can stay on the brush after using it. Think about that! The next time you brush your hair, all of this may get back on your scalp and cause some type of irritation of the skin.
I highly recommend you remove any old hair from the brush after every use. This task is not time-consuming, don’t forget it. This way, you will be sure that it is ready for the next brushing.
If you forget to do it, you may put dirt and dead skin cells on your hair. Surely, it is not something you want. Like every other beauty tool, this also needs good care.
Why do you need to brush your hair?
Do you tend to neglect to brush your hair? It is like a massage for the scalp. It encourages blood flow and hair growth. Brushing every day helps remove loose hair. And there will be some loose hair, don’t worry about it, it is perfectly normal. Also, it helps remove any tangles.
It is recommended you brush your hair twice a day – morning and night. It helps distribute the scalp’s natural oils through the hair. There is no need to do it more often. It is a chance of over-brushing your hair that may damage your cuticles. And that is not a good thing to do. So keep it simple, and brush it twice a day for maximum results.
If you notice excessive hair shedding or thinning of the hair, irritations, or other problems with your hair or scalp, consult a dermatologist.
Tips for keeping your hairbrush clean
Having difficulties with keeping your hairbrush clean and sanitized? Then, apply these tips often for the best results.
Try to make it a habit! After styling your hair, take care of your hairbrush. It is that simple!
- Remove all of the hair left on the brush after use.
- Use warm water and a little bit of shampoo to clean it.
- Clean your hairbrush as often as possible, at least once a month.
- Keep combs and hairbrushes in a separate cosmetic bag from your other beauty tools.
- Don’t keep combs and hairbrushes on shelves. They can easily get covered with dust.
- Disinfect your brushes with a sanitizer gel.
- It is a personal beauty tool. Don’t let anyone else use yours. Just like your toothbrush.
How often do you clean your hairbrush?
Do you have that gross and fluffy buildup on your hairbrush that accumulates over time? Stop brushing your hair with it! You have to remove it.
I know that we all have priorities, and we put some of the tasks at the end of the list. They often remain to wait for a long time. But this has to change.
For instance, make a schedule for cleaning your beauty tools. A good wash once a month will make them look new. You won’t feel embarrassed if your grandkids or somebody else sees your hairbrush.
I don’t know if you are like me or not, but there are chores, cleaning projects, and things that I need to organize, and I think, “I am going to do that today.” But then I don’t.
And then the next day, I think, “I am definitely going to do that TODAY!”
But then I don’t.
And before I know it, a week has passed. Or maybe even a month. But that’s all I’m going to confess.
No, I would never let anything that I need to clean go past a month.
No, I would not.
Recently I have been feeling that way about my hairbrush. I saw that fluffy lint buildup on it and felt the need to clean it as soon as possible.
I had to clean it a day ago.
Or maybe it was a week ago.
Could it really have been a month?
How to clean your brush in minutes?
Luckily today was the day I cleaned my hairbrush! I feel much better now!
This cleaning project that I have been thinking about for days, got done today. It is thanks to a pin that I pinned from Anithamallya’s Blog.
I’ve adapted the instructions a little bit, but here is how to clean your brush in minutes. And it works great! Get your hairbrush and try it.
You will need:
- scissors
- warm water
- shampoo
- toothbrush
1. Take some scissors, cut the hair in the brush lengthwise down every 2nd or 3rd row. Make sure you are cutting in between the bristles.
2. Take the tip of the scissors and slide the scissors lengthwise underneath the hair and lift. The hair should lift right up. Continue until you remove all the hair. Pull off any loose stragglers.
Tip: Do not use a comb or another brush to remove the hair from your brush! It usually pops off the small beads that are on the top of your bristles. Once those beads are gone, it sure doesn’t feel good when brushing your hair.
3. Now, after removing most of the bulky hair, there is still dander and dust on your brush. Set it in a sink that has some warm water mixed with a small amount of shampoo.
4. Take a spare toothbrush. Brush vigorously up and down each row of your hairbrush and also all around the top.
5. Set on a paper towel to dry, and your brush should look like new.
Easy peasy! And doesn’t take much of your time.
Helpful tips for a healthy and beautiful hair
How to maintain and style your hair? It needs some special treatment once in a while. Conditioners, hair masks, and serums help the hair to maintain its strength. Treat yourself to some good products.
Also, don’t forget that hydration is the key to healthy hair. Drinking a lot of water helps your hair look pretty.
On the other hand, some of the hair products may contain toxic ingredients. You have to read the labels carefully.
- Stay hydrated! Drinking at least 2 liters of water has beneficial effects on your hair strength and growth.
- The wet hair is thin and can break easily. Try not to brush it until it is completely dry.
- Don’t tousle your hair with a towel, this may create tangles.
- Use conditioner and other hydrating hair products.
- Untangle in sections and carefully. Try not to damage or break the hair.
- Use shampoos and conditioners that are suitable for your hair type.
- Read the labels. Try to avoid products with toxic ingredients such as sulfates, parabens, and other chemicals.
In conclusion
In short, cleaning your beauty accessories is important because they come in contact with your skin and hair. The hairbrush is no different.
If you want to maintain healthy and beautiful hair, you need to clean it once a month. Otherwise, you may be brushing your hair with dirt, grease, and product. Undoubtedly, the results will not be so good.
Make sure you style your hair with clean beauty tools only. What is more, brushing makes your hair look pretty, helps remove loose hair and tangles. But to experience the benefits, you have to do it with a clean brush. Anyone can do this method, and it is totally worth it!
Tomorrow is going to be a good hair day! I just know it! Because This Pin Rocks!
Give it a try!
Next time you need to clean your hairbrush or comb, clean out the hair like you suggested but then let it soak in a mixture of baking soda and warm water. No scrubbing required. Just let it soak. The dirt will fall off and you’ll be left with a gross looking water and a clean brush. No effort at all.
Mary…great tip! Thanks so much for sharing! Deb – The Oldest Sister
Don’t forget to throw your hair outside, especially in the spring. The birds will use it to build their nests. We save hair and bits of thread and yarn in an old onion bag til spring then hang the bag by the feeder. The birds go crazy for it! Then, once the leaves are gone in the fall, we can easily spot nests with the yarn built into them.
I LOVE that tip! Thanks Kat!
I really love the nest ideas! Thanks for sharing!
The birds love the lint from the dryer hung in an onion bag. They use it to top off their nest to make it soft for their babies.
I now hang blue lint ( from my hubby’s levi’s) next to the hummingbird feeder. I use to leave white lint for them, but when they laid their eggs ( which are white ) they were hard to see. Now with the blue lint it’s fantastic to peek in and see the little white eggs sitting on a blue cushion!
Bobbi, I love this tip! I’m in an area with lots of birds and am going to try this!
That’s better than the hair brush tip! Thanks, I have many returning birds to my yard in the spring!
That is a great idea. Have wanted to use those onion bags for something. I also have six cats that have plenty of hair.
or … Mix bleach with water in your bathroom sink. Throw whatever you think needs cleaning right on in there: brushes, combs, curlers. Walk away. Comb back and rinse everything nicely. Lie down on the couch and watch a movie or read a book ’cause that was absolutely too much work!
Haha! Love the couch idea!
Love this method of cleaning a brush! This is one job I always dread and I never seem to get all of the hairs out so when I wash it, it becomes a huge mess! Thanks so much. I can hardly wait to try this.
Robyn, yeah I used to take a comb and just yank the hair out but using the scissors makes it effortless! You’ll love it! Deb
You can also use seam rippers to cut the hair. Super easy to push the tool in between the bristles. The hair just comes right out. I like the onion bag idea but you could also put the hair into a compost pile if you have one.
I LOVE the seam ripper idea! Brilliant!
Okay, I’ve been putting this off myself. I’m going to go do it right now! Thanks for the kick in the pants 🙂 ~Deborah
Deborah you just made my day! But you will be so happy when that dirty job is done! Deb
I have always cut the hair off and then run them thru the dishwasher.
Judi, you are my kinda lady! Deb :o}
That is to funny, I thought I was the only one to do that. But with a name like yours, my name is Judy also, I should have guessed, that old saying of brilliant minds thinking alike!
Stopping by from Ruthie’s party and so glad I did! Great tip!! Carrie,
Thanks Carrie! It’s super duper fast! Deb
Yes, yes and triple yes I do that all the time. I wish I could just go do whatever it is that pops into my mind at the time it pops in, the I would be more likely to do it. Alas more important things usually take my time and then when I can get to the random project I am worn out and unmotivated. This is great…you don’t know how many years I went without cleaning my brush! Ugh! I think I am going to try and be a little more spontaneous today and see how much I can do! 😀
Heather you just made my day! You go girl! Deb – The Oldest Sister
The steps that utilises the scissors works GREAT on the brush roller of a vacuum, too.
Oh yes, I definitely have done that too! Thanks Moj!
I take a rat tail comb after using a brush and run it down the base and lift up the hair and then remove it. Takes only a few seconds, and avoids a brush that not only looks gross with hair sticking out all over, but keeps them from dirtying up my drawers. I am an ex hairdresser, and find daily sanitation saves lots of time down the line. Then when the brushes need washing, it is a snap because you have maintained them on a daily basis. More sanitary, too!
I agree Darlene! It is so nice to clean things daily. My brush has been clean now since our post! Deb
I like a clean brush too. I use the furniture wand on my vacuum cleaner to pull out the hair. I do it once a week and I have a clean brush. I takes out any other dirt as well. I then just run some warm water over it and voilà, done!
You are my kinda gal! Deb
Instead os scissors, I use a seam ripper. Works great!
Lori, what a great idea! I’m going to try that next time! Deb
I just cleaned my hairbrush yesterday! After getting all the hair off, using a small scissors, I thought I’d try putting it in the dishwasher. Perfect!
Isn’t that a great feeling?!! Love it! Deb
What about the build up of styling product? Getting the hair off is the easy part.
Letting my brush soak and using the toothbrush usually works for me! Deb
After soaking in sink with shampoo and hot water, I take an old rag and wipe it across the bristle. Works like a charm and fast!!
Removing hair product build-up– this is where the soaking in baking soda comes in. But I never thought of using scissors or a seam ripper to remove the hair. BTW, my hairdresser taught me to make a paste of baking soda and my shampoo in my hand before applying shampoo to remove product build-up from my hair. Do that every so often, not every time you shampoo.
Abbijoy, I’ve always wondered if there was something you could do about the product build-up. Thanks for the great tip!
After I get the hair out I let them soak in bleach water for a while and all the hair products and any residue comes right off. Then I just wash with a mild soap, rinse and let dry. Good as new
Great tip Denise! Thanks!
What a great idea! I’ll have to try that with my combs!
Remove hair from brushes, combs, etc. soak in a solution of hot water and ship-shape, a product I found at Sally’s beauty Supply. It even cleans paintbrushes and 1 box lasted at least 5 years,
Never heard of Ship Shape but I have a Sally’s close by. I’ll have to take a look!
Hi Debbie, I think the expression ‘Ship-Shape and Bristol Fashion’ is a UK saying which we use to mean everything’s hunky dory, clean etc. However, just wanted to add that I clean my brushes and combs weekly like this and then when I have finished I put a capful of Dettol in the sink for half an hour. Thanks for everyone’s comments really enjoy them.
Well, now I want to know what Dettol is? lol
It’s a multi-use disinfectant/cleaner. It’s available in Canada (or used to be) and probably the U.K.. i.e. maybe not the U.S.
Clean hair out and soak brush for about 30 minutes in water and ammonia. Clean!!
I love clean brushes!
I use pretty much this same method only I use a mixture of ammonia and water. The ammonia cuts the oil/grease from your hair and leaves the brush shiny clean and smelling good 🙂
Thanks for the tip Franne!
Instead of having to cut the hair from the brush (you might accidentally cut the bristles of the brush), just use another
hair brush with smaller bristles (keep this one for this use only). The hair comes out very easily. Then you soak the brush in luke warm water and regular shampoo.
I keep a lovely old siver fork in my bathroom cabinet to clean the hair out. Very easy and super fast.
What a great tip!! I have gone ahead and purchased another round brush because mine was looking like yours! Now I can clean both of them so they will look new!! Yea!!!
Woot! So glad it helped!
I do this to my vacuum cleaner brush too, then just vacuum up the mess
Me too Eloisa! Great minds think alike…
These round hair brushes! They do amazing job for volume but are so hard to clean. Thanks a lot for giving so amazing advices! Regards! Cann Hall Carpet Cleaners Ltd.
Our pleasure!
Hi Debbie! What a fabulous tip to clean our brushes. Funny thing is this morning I told my daughter that it was time to clean my brush again. We always did the hair yanking method to clean our brush and it’s just not that easy and really takes too much time. I love the idea of cutting the hair with scissors.then using a toothbrush to really clean all the yucky residue off. Thanks for sharing this great tip I can’t wait to try it tomorrow. I also LOVE the nest idea and am definitely gonna save strings, yarn, hair or things that birds can use to build their nest. Last year we had an adorable mama blue bird who laid a nest of eggs in our mailbox (actually it was the spot where the newspapers go). Oh you have no idea how excited I was to have these beautiful baby blue birds.. Every day I went outside to feed the mama mealwomes that I bought just for her. What a special treat it was to see the babies grow so close up. Hopefully she will come back again this year and use our mailbox to nest her eggs. Anyhow, sorry for the and thanks again for the tip. By the way you are absolutely beautiful. Your eyes are simply gorgeous.
Terri of Two Pink Peas
Terri, your comment just made my day! What a sweetheart you are! Once we had a momma hummingbird build her nest right near our front door which we couldn’t believe since we were constantly coming in and out but it was amazing to watch those little eggs hatch and the birds grow. We are kindred spirits!!
After removing the hair, I throw my brush in the washing machine with my towels in the laundry and it comes out sparkling clean without all of the mess of soaking or scrubbing.
Great tip Barbara!
you got it Barbara, that is what i do. thumbs up !!
Is this safe to do with a boar bristle brush with a ceramic core?
Casey, I don’t have one of those brushes so I don’t even know what it looks like but my guess is that you can. Dish soap is mild and shouldn’t harm anything. Maybe be careful when you are brushing with the toothbrush so that it doesn’t bend your bristles.
I love the idea abt the nest..thanx
The easiest way to clean a hairbrush is to toss it into the clothes washer. After the load is done remove the brush. Done!
I make a solution of water and ammonia and I soak my combs and brushes. They are so clean you won’t want to get them dirty again. I have done this for at least 50 years
Isn’t it the best feeling to have clean combs and brushes! Thanks for your tips Teri!
Teri, using ammonia and water is how I was brought up cleaning my combs and brushes. it is wonderful. It also works on hair items like clips.