This is going to be one of our best Christmases yet. It will be the first time our whole family has been together in 3 years and our first grandchild will be 7 months old. Such a fun age for Christmas.! I remember when her mother was that age, we were so excited for her to play with the new toys we had bought her. What was she interested in playing with? All the pretty, shiney wrapping paper and bows. She didn’t want to have anything to do with the actual presents until all the wrapping paper was cleared and thrown away. Sometimes the simple things are what entertain children the most. Cloud dough is the perfect example, 2 ingredients mixed together, some ice cub trays and cookie cutters kept my 10 year old son busy for hours on several occasions. I loved seeing him creating shapes and buildings instead of playing on the XBox or on the I Pad!
Cloud dough is quick, easy and inexpensive to make, you can’t beat that!
- 8 cups of flour
- 1 cup of vegetable oil
Mix your oil and flour until they have incorporated into each other and you are ready to go! Even better let your kids do the mixing for you.
As soon as the oil and flour are mixed the kids can begin to play with the cloud dough making all kinds of shapes in different sizes.
Our kids used heart and star shaped ice cub trays, regular ice cube trays and cookie cutters to make their shapes.
They loved the soft, fluffy feel of the cloud dough and they were pleasantly surprised at how well it formed into any shape they wanted.
If you have very young children and want to avoid a big messy clean up, spread a disposable table cloth or dispoable paint drop cloth outside on your grass or patio. When the kids are done playing you can roll up the table cloth or drop cloth into a ball and throw it away!
This simple activity provided hours of entertainment for the kids and hours of peace and quiet for the adults. You know what that means…..
This Pin Rocks!
We had a soupy mess and then my DIL looked on line for a cloud dough site and found your increments to be off…it is supposed to be an 8:1 ratio (flour to oil). Just letting others know in case they try that!
Oh Tracy! I am so glad that you found the correction ratio! Can I just blame it on the holidays and that my brain was fried? I’ve made the correction in the post. Thanks so much for the heads up! Tracy – The Middle Sister
How long will the cloud dough keep? If placed in a “tupperware” like container with a sealed lid…
Hey Debbie,
I have read that it will keep indefinitely if you keep it in a container with a sealed lid. I wouldn’t keep it more than 4 weeks just to be on the safe side. Thanks for commenting! Tracy (the middle sister)
Great idea Tracy,
I think I’m going to try this with my daughter.
Thanks so much for posting!!
You are welcome, I’m going to make this today for my 1 year old granddaughter. I can’t wait to watch her play with it! Have a great day – Tracy (the middle sister)