I love all the free printables that can be found on Pinterest. I wanted to do something to help my children recognize all the things they could and should be grateful for. I’ve seen a lot of ” Thankful Trees & Boards” floating around on Pinterest. I was having a hard time deciding which one to do until I discovered this beautiful “Thankful Chain” from Silverbox Creative Studio.
I love the elegance of the design and simplicity of the chain. I didn’t have the brown shade of paper that they used, so instead I cut a regular grocery bag into 8.5 X11 size and ran it through my printer. It turned out great! I plan to have our family “add” to the chain during meal times. Or any time they would like to.
Who cares if dinner is a disaster, (yes that has happened before), and the decorations didn’t turn out. Or the people you really wanted to come to dinner couldn’t make it and those who you hoped would stay home showed up. And what about the gravy? Are you one of those fortunate people who have mastered the technique, or are you still in the “lumpy” stage? Holidays are not about being in control or obtaining perfection. It is about strengthening our relationships with those we love, being grateful for what we have and giving to those who are less fortunate than we are.
Sherri gave me some of the best advice last year while I was planning my daughter’s wedding. I was stressing out about too many of the small details, she did what only a sister could get away with. She put her arm around me and said “Tracy, KISS….keep it simple stupid”! I burst out laughing. Guess what? Sherri was right, by letting go of some things that were not that important I was able to relax and ENJOY every minute of my daughter’s special day.
My question for you is, what are you grateful for? Grab some paper, print your Thankful Chain…..and start counting your blessings. Oh, and by the way KISS.
Congratulations on your grandma news. That’s so exciting. I love the thankful chain. What a good idea!
Ann, thanks! So glad you like the chain!