Are you an avocado lover? At my house we luvr them! We put them on burgers, in omelettes, on tacos and fajitas.
We make guacamole almost every Sunday. We add them to BLT’s and scoop them out of their skin with a tortilla chip and chow down, WE LOVE AVOCADOS!
The only problem is they are not always on sale and feeding our crew enough avocados on a regular basis gets expensive fast! Then I saw a long pin showing how to freeze your avocados.
What a brilliant idea! I could load up when avocados are on sale which would save me lots of money. Freeze them and the kids could have some whenever they wanted. No waiting for them to go on sale or having to wait until they ripen. Off to the store I went to purchase my beloved avocados to this pin.
If you look closely you will notice one of my kids managed to eat a corner of one of the avocados when I wasn’t looking!
In my home an avocado that looks like this means it’s about to be attacked by a tortilla chip and immediatley consumed! This one never made it to the freezer.
Peel and mash your avocados, add 1 tsp. lemon juice per avocado and mix well. Scoup mashed avocado mixture into freezer bags. Squeeze out excess air and seal. Place in freezer until frozen.
After following the instructions I excitedly placed my bags of avocados in the freezer. Two days later my daughter asked if we could make guacomole, she was disappointed when shc couldn’t find any avocados. That’s when I sent her to the freezer. After allowing the avocado to thaw for 20 minutes she grabbed a chip and gave it a try. “Eeewwww, gross Mom what did you do to this avocado?”. “It’s watery and squishy”. My kids all agreed that frozen avocados are a no go at our house. You know what that means…..
This Pin Flopped!
Linking With: House of Hepworths – The 36th Avenue – Lamberts Lately – Live, Laugh, Rowe – Glued to My Crafts – Gingerly Made – Living Well Spending Less – 52 Mantels – Real Coake – Life With The Crust Cut Off – The Mandatory Mooch – Katherine’s Corner – What’s Cooking Love? – The Taylor House – The Shabby Creek Cottage – Mom on Time Out
No!!!! You were supposed to report that this was the solution to all my avocado related problems!!!! I was so looking forward to hearing I could prep a massive amount up and have guacamole anytime. Oh well…. Thanks for doing the due diligence for me!
You are welcome! There is still hope, I found another method that I am going to try and post about! I’m crossing my fingers that it will work this time!!! Tracy – The Middle Sister
Oh! I am so glad you posted this. I was going to try it, now I won’t waste my precious avocados!
Yes save your precious avocados! I was so disappointed when this didn’t work!
Oh boo hoo!!! I really wanted to read how this worked fabulously.
Yes, I too was VERY disappointed this freezing method didn’t work! I found a different freezing method that I am going to try, I’ll update the post with the results! Tracy – The Middle Sister
I freeze mine, and they make a great Avocado sweet bread that I found on internet. I have to freeze, that and bring to work all the time because NOW I have two trees here in Florida.
I am soooo JEALOUS that you have not one, but two avocados trees of your own!!! I would love your recipe for Avocado sweet bread. Tracy – The Middle Sister
I found the recipe for Avocado Quick Bread on ALLRECIPES. COM. I didn’t add the orange zest and when I make breads I usually do half white sugar/ half brown sugar. will help on green color too. With freezing may have to strain some. Girls at work freeze too and I think thats what they do too for the guacamole
Thanks for the recipe, can’t wait to try it! Tracy – The Middle Sister
I freeze mine this way, but I only use them for smoothies so the texture change isn’t a big deal.
Good to hear this works well for you! I’v never added avocados in my smoothies, I’ll give it a try with my next smoothie. Tracy – The Middle Child
I just smash it and freeze it WITHOUT THE LEMON JUICE. Then I wrap with glad press n seal and micro a frozen half for 30 seconds when I’m ready.
I really wanted this method to work, I’m going to try again this time without the lemon juice. I’ll update the post with my results. Thanks for the great tip! Tracy – The Middle Sister
I freeze mine all the time! I either make guac and freeze it or just cut the avocado in half and freeze it in the shell.
I’ll have to try making the guac and then freezing it, or cutting the avocados in half and freezing. Thanks for the great tip. Tracy – The Middle Sister
The key to freezing successfully is to make sure that the avocados are completely pureed, NO CHUNKS. You also need to use 1 tablespoon of lemon juice for every 2 avocados. We’ve been freezing avocados for years because we had an avocado tree and never wanted them to go to waste. When making guacamole I use the frozen avocado puree and purchase a fresh avocado to make it chunkier.
Thanks you so much for the great info, I was so disappointed when this didn’t work! I’m ready to give it another try 🙂 Tracy (the middle sister)
I never had success freezing guacamole either until making baby food for my son. I pureed the avocado til completely smooth and put in ice cube trays. Once frozen i’d pop them out and put in a ziploc bag in the freezer. Whenever i’m ready, i pull out a few cubes and microwave them at 30 second intervals. Perfect creamy texture every time. So happy i can enjoy guacamole any time i want now!
I haven’t heard of this method before, but I think I am going to give it a try and then update this post. Thanks so much for following us and commenting! Have a great week, Tracy – (the middle sister)
EXACTLY how I do it. It works well! 🙂
Actually I have made this one work. Here’s how I did it. Mush up the avocados, add a tiny bit of the lemon juice and put into ice cube trays. Freeze until nice and solid and then store in your zip lock baggies. I then was able to pull out the cubes and mix it with my salsa and seasoning and had a decent guac. Even better, use it for cooking and then you really won’t notice the difference. I loved it. My kids and I had guac any time we wanted. Guess I need to watch for sales and get myself some more! (Make sure it is a really ripe avocado. You want it to be ready for perfect guac already.)
Thanks for the great tips! I’ll have to give your method a try and see what my kiddos think. Comments like yours make our day! Tracy (the middle sister)
Did you try to revive the avocado with sour cream, some food companies use sour cream to enhance guacamole and make it thick. who will know , give it a try out.
Hi Dara!
No, I didn’t try using sour cream to revive my frozen avocado. I’ll give it a try, I would be thrilled to find out it works! Thanks for the great suggestion, Tracy