I love “er” words. Happi-“er”, Silli-“er”, Funn-‘er”. Yeah I know funner isn’t a word. But it should be.
I’ve really been thinking a lot lately that I need to make better food choices. I haven’t actually done it yet but I’ve really been thinking about it a lot! I REALLY think about it as I’m wolfing down some fast food during my lunch hour. I know that I need to be eating much Healthi-“er’ food. There’s that “er” word again.
Does chocolate count?
I know what you’re thinking. Stop it.
Super easy and quick to make, these Healthier Chocolate Trail Mix Bites might fit the bill. I pinned this from Undressed Skeleton (she sounds much skinnier than me) and all you need is some dark or semi-sweet chocolate chips and then whatever trail mix you enjoy. I used one that had raisins, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
Put your chocolate into a microwave safe bowl and microwave until melted. Make sure you don’t over microwave and burn your chocolate
With a spoon, drop your chocolate onto some waxed paper. Make a round circle about the size of a fifty cent piece:
While the chocolate is still melted, press your trail mix into each round and then let cool. You might also want to put these into the refrigerator to help the cooling process. I made these on a day where it was a hundred degrees and I also had my oven on so mine definitely needed to go into the fridge. After cooled, they should look like this:
When my husband saw these sitting in the fridge, he says “Debbie….Have you taken a picture of those “things” in the refrigerator yet so I can eat some? Cause they are really good.”
Men are so detail oriented.
But wait…..how did you know they were good? Did you ALREADY eat one?
Bruce is much Sneaki-“er” than I am.
With summer upon us, these may not be the best thing to be carrying around on a hot day because they definitely will melt, but they taste wonderful! So keep them in the fridge and treat yourself after a run or a workout.
Try these Healthier Chocolate Trail Mix Bites today! Dark chocolate is Healthi-“er” right?
This Pin Rocks!
They look so delicious! What a great snack for the kids when they come home from school.
If you have a moment to spare I’d be thrilled if you could share this post at my weekly Say G’day party. It’s on now and this would be a great addition!
Best wishes for a lovely week,
Natasha in Oz