This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Honeywell Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat with Voice Control. All opinions are 100% mine.
I am SO excited about today’s post! I am partnering with Honeywell to introduce you to a new product which is their Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat with Voice Control.
Their new voice technology allows homeowners to simply say “Hello thermostat” to activate and control their home’s temperature.
Did you just get that? It’s probably a good thing that my refrigerator doesn’t have one of these voice controls. It would be way too easy to walk into the kitchen and say “Hello refrigerator” and have it open for me.
That would be dangerous.
In addition, the Voice Control utilizes advanced far-field voice-control technology. What does that mean? It means that even in a busy family room, you can say “Make it four degrees warmer” or “Make it much cooler” even from across the room and the thermostat will make the change you want.
Crazy, right?
I am excited to test drive this thermostat as the weather is getting cooler and we will be using our home’s heater. I have already posted a few posts on our blog describing the light-hearted battle between my husband and me about what we think is the perfect temperature. Upon installation of this thermostat, it will immediately recognize the homeowners voice and will adjust the temperature based on their request.
When I shared the news with my husband about getting to try this thermostat, the FIRST WORDS out of his mouth were “Well, we will just have to make sure that the thermostat will recognize MY voice first.”
Not a chance.
BUT! While I am waiting for this thermostat to arrive, Honeywell would like to offer YOU, our Made From Pinterest readers, a chance to WIN a $100 Amazon Gift Card! Woot! Woot!
One other thing about this cloud-based voice-controlled thermostat is that it will get smarter over time, adding more commands based on its interactions with the homeowners.
It’s kinda like having a genie in a bottle. What if I had a device that I could just say….Get me some chocolate? Now that would be something!
So here is how you can enter for the $100 Amazon Gift Card. Just leave a comment letting us know what command YOU wish your thermostat could fulfill! How about – Make me a pizza! Or – Find the remote! That’s all there is to it! What a great gift to receive right before the holidays.
Want some more info? Please visit their website Honeywell Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat with Voice Control. It will be up and going on September 19, 2013.
You will want to be sure to check back to see how this thermostat performs in our home.
Isn’t it a little cold in here?
“Hello thermostat. Make it five degrees warmer.”
I can’t wait.
please make my husband see the trail of mess he leaves behind him…….
Take care of Hot Flash !!
I would ask the thermostat to give me a massage! That would be my wish 🙂 or maybe i would wish for it to control the weather to make it an ideal 74 degrees every day .
I would say this is the most ingenious device since the microwave!! My command would be to please make me a cup of cocoa on a cold winter night! Thanks, [email protected]
“Dial my cell phone.” The times I can’t locate my cell phone always correspond to those times I am in a hurry & running late!
Thermostat, find my cell phone!
“Thermostat, do my monthly budget plans!” I mean seriously.
During the summer I would ask it to bring us some cooler weather and during the winter I would ask it to bring us some warm weather. Don’t we all want what we can’t have?
Hello thermostat! I’m headed to Tahiti! Please make sure the kids are well fed and get to school on time!! Thank you! 🙂
I’d like one that I could tell to please quit freezing me to death already!
It would be awesome to hav the thermostat change at the sound of my voice. Like when I’m slaving away in the kitchen and sweating but cant step away to fuss with the thermostat. Technology at it’s best!!
oohhh..I really like that “find the remote” command!
Do the laundry would be the command I would like my thermostat to fulfill!
Hello Thermostat,
Please be the heavy and punish my son so I don’t always have to be the bad guy.
Correct my little ones when they are not doing what is told or if something needs to be done. I get tired of correcting them
I wish it could cook dinner for my family.
Make dinner now! That is the ultimate stressor in my house. Just make my dinner for me, please.
I would like my thermostat to make a dinner that everyone in my family would enjoy.
I would ask mine to fold the laundry! My least favourite task ever!
Wooo! love the idea of talking to it to change the degrees!
I would probably tell it to make it cooler, cooler cooler! because I’m having a Hot Flash!
Vacuum up all the dog hair!
I am wishing it would clean my floors! They are a mess 🙂
I want a fold the laundry and put it away function please.
my dishwasher is dead so it would be please do the dishes.. about 5 times a day
I just love the ability to tell it what temp I need it at without having to get up!!
My command: “Dust the house, please”.
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
Clean the house!
Fix me a sandwich!
Make dinner!
I’ve been searching fruitlessly for good pumpkin donuts in Colorado Springs, so I’d ask for the perfect pumpkin donut…and maybe a glass of red wine 😉
Empty the dishwasher
Foot massage please!
I would love “clean the house!”
Clean up on isle…boys bathroom please! 🙂
Thanks to everyone for the awesome posts! You all sure dream big – we’ll try our best to add a folding laundry feature to the Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat with Voice Control 🙂 Great post, Debbie!
– Zoe @Honeywell
Honeywell Blogger Relations
I wish my thermostat had an air condition blast setting for my hot flashes.