October is a great month for many reasons. For one, it means that fall has arrived which is my favorite season of the year. It also means that Halloween is near which is my second favorite holiday. And the third reason is that it is also Breast Cancer month.
On a very personal note, I have not shared on our blog yet that I am a breast cancer survivor. When I was 36 years old and had three young children, I was diagnosed with an aggressive and very fatal type of cancer. That was 18 years ago. (Are you doing the math in your head and now know how old I am? haha!)
I underwent a year of chemotherapy, six weeks of radiation and had a double mastectomy. I lost all of the hair on my head and most of my eyebrows and eyelashes. But I never lost the hair on my legs. You would think that if there could be one perk about having cancer that maybe I wouldn’t have to shave my legs! But alas, shave my legs I did.
One does not go through an experience like this without learning a few lessons. The lessons that I learned are too numerous to list in a single post but the greatest lesson learned was that our relationships with our loved ones – friends or family – are and should be the first priority in our lives. If this is to be true, then why don’t we treat our family members better? Why are we so determined to always “be right” ? We need to think of ourselves less and think of others more. I saw a quote the other day that I really liked. It read: “Most people don’t listen with the intent of really listening. Most people listen with the intent of thinking how they are wanting to reply.” We need to listen to others more than we want to hear ourselves, as a way of fostering our relationships with our loved ones.
Treasuring our relationships also means spending time with our family and friends. Our children love to spend quality time with us. In great quantities! One thing that my immediate and extended family has done well is to do things that will make memories every time we are together. When our children are older they will not remember the color of our bathroom but they will remember the things that we did with them.
So although you may think that making cupcakes with your children is not a big deal….it is a big deal. Another quote about listening and things being a big deal:
“Listen earnestly to anything that your children want to tell you, no matter what. If you don’t listen eagerly to the little stuff when they are little, they won’t tell you the big stuff when they are big, because to them, all of it has always been big stuff.” Catherine Wallace
One out of every eight women will develop breast cancer. One out of every four people will develop some form of cancer in their lifetime. If cancer has not touched your life yet, most likely it will. Cherish those whom you love. Cherish the time that you have together. Tell your family that you love them. Tell them again. Spend time with them. Listen. Really Listen.
We guest posted about these Owl Cupcakes over at “My Kitchen Escapades” yesterday. Hope on over for the tutorial! You’ll be glad you did.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
And to my family – I love you more than dirt.
For a great way to package cupcakes like these try this DIY cupcake Holder:
These cupcakes are adorable! Thanks so much for your great insights. My child is still quite young and balancing time with her, my husband and my crafting is always a challenge, but you are absolutely right. I am usually at my best when my priorities are set right.
Thanks for your kind comments Kristin. I am at my best also when I feel like I have my life in order! Which doesn’t always happen! XOXO Deb
Oh, my goodness, these are adorable!! Great job, ladies! Love them. 🙂
His blessings,
You are an amazing and strong woman! Your children & family are blessed to have you in their lives and I’m sure they helped you through your sickness! Love the cupcakes too =) Marcy
Marcy your comments just made my day! Thanks SO much! Deb – The Oldest Sister
Awe, these guys are so adorable! Pinning 🙂
Thanks Shantalle! You are an Awesome Possum! Deb – The Oldest Sister
Thanks for sharing your story. I think it’s important to put as many “faces” on cancer as possible. Cancer has definitely affected my family, and watching someone you love go through chemo (and my dad went through a stem cell transplant as well) is extremely difficult. You’re right, it certainly changes your outlook on things. My Dad was diagnosed with leukemia 4 years ago this week and is cancer free and doing well! I’m very happy that you are as well! And the cupcakes – ADORABLE!
Hi Kim! I am so glad to hear that your dad is doing well!! That is always exciting to hear when someone is staying cancer free. You give him my best thoughts! Thanks so much for stopping by. Deb – The Oldest Sister
Love the cupcakes – my eldest of 4 daughters is massively into owls this year so these will be perfect for her 🙂 I too feel panic-ky at times when I feel I am losing control over my to do list – need 48 hours in a day! Thanks for sharing your amazing story 🙂
Hi Lisa! Thanks so much for your sweet comment. It made my day! Deb – The Oldest Sister
You are the best mom ever! I am so glad you made it to 54, but we just realized if you were 55 we could start using your senior discounts! :)-
I’ll meet you at Denny’s!!! haha