Who isn’t budget conscious these days? I know that I am always looking for ways to save a few pennies here and there. And one thing that absolutely drives me nuts is the cost of gift bags! There have been times that the price of my bag has almost equaled the price of my gift! Now you can always run to the dollar store and get a bag for a buck but here is a way to make one for even cheaper than that. Check out these instructions to make your own gift bag from “hello sandwich”
And now, right before your eyes, watch me make my own with some plain old wrapping paper!
Glue your handles on and Voila! A gift bag FOR PENNIES!
In the original instructions it suggested to use washi tape to seal instead of gluing but I personally didn’t like the look of the tape on the bag so I decided to glue instead. And I LOVE the result {{squeal!}}
Would definitely say that This Pin Rocks!
What a great idea! So easy.