Congratulations to Debbie and her family! Her second grandson was born happy and healthy last night. Mom and baby are doing great! We are thrilled to have a new member in our family. Sherri and I have another adorable nephew to spoil, I think we can handle it :)!
Could someone please explain to me where the month of January went? For that matter, where the first half of February went? The saying “the older you get, the faster time flies” is a little too true! Thinking of St. Patrick’s day reminds me of when my kids were younger and we would be creating leprechaun traps and then coming home from school disappointed because that sneaky leprechaun got away another year! I get pinched almost every year because I forget to wear green. The years I don’t get pinched happens because I just happened to be wearing green on accident!
Here is a fun printable to help make your St. Paddy’s day a whole lotta fun!
8×10 St. Patrick’s Day Printable
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