Today I am coming out of the closet. I am baring my soul and confessing that I am not a recycler, re-user or re-purposer. I really want to be. I truly care about our environment, love nature and want to be frugal by recycling, re-using and re-purposing. But for some reason I don’t do as much as I should in this area. Maybe this will be my New Year’s Resolution for 2013.
So instead of just jumping in and taking on a huge project like installing solar panels, I know that I need to take baby steps. Imagine my excitement when I saw this post on recycling a water bottle as a spout for your chocolate chips. I felt energized! I felt like I could do this! Baby steps, Debbie, baby steps.
All I needed to was was to cut the top off of a water bottle. Stick my chocolate chip bag through the hole. Fold back the chip bag.
And then no matter what I did, I couldn’t get the chocolate chips to pour out! I tried squishing, pulling the bag as tight as possible, but…
Now I am going to have to throw this water bottle in the trash. The recycled trash can.
Sorry to report that This Pin Flopped!
Good to know! I had pinned this one as well. Looks like I can delete it from my board 🙂
I love this blog.
Might work with a larger bottle top, like a vitaminwater bottle? are a sweetheart and a genius! A sweetheart for your kind comment and a genius to maybe use a vitamin water bottle. Watch for an update ’cause I am going to try that! Happy Thanksgiving!
I thought it was just suppose to close the bag. then you take it all off when you want to use the chocolate chips from the bag.
Well, that’s a good thought. I thought it was really supposed to be used a spout. Someone had a great suggestion though and that was to try it with the bigger spouts like from a “Life Water” bottle. Great idea!
I’ve used water bottle spouts on smaller items in thinner bags like barley or couscous in bulk grocery bags.
Hi Phoebe! That is a great idea. I’m thinking I might try again with rice? Thanks for the heads up. Deb – The Oldest
I used a Gatorade bottle that has a larger opening, and it worked perfectly on the chocolate chip bag. I also used another one on a bag of steel cut oatmeal with great results.
JuJu, You are a genius. I will have to try with a larger bottle! Deb – The Oldest Sister